I (Gaël Poux-Médard, 1996) obtained a literary baccalaureate in 2014 in Strasbourg (France), and immediately switched to learning physics at the University Lyon 1 (France). After finishing my physics bachelor in 2017, I integrated the Ecole Normale Supérieure or ENS de Lyon. During my M.Sc degree “Physics of complex systems”, I completed two internships in machine learning: in SEES:lab, Università Rovira i Virgilli (Tarragona, Spain) for 3 months, and at the Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi or CNR-ISC (Rome, Italy) for 6 months. In parallel, I obtained a M.Sc degree in Digital Humanities at the ENS of Lyon. Both M.Sc degrees were obtained in 2019. Finally, I defended on September 2022 a PhD thesis I started in October 2019 at the Université de Lyon (Université Lumière Lyon II). I am currently as a post-doctoral scientist jointly employed by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research against Cancer (IARC) and by the University Lyon 1 (UCBL).
- 2025-2027 Post-doctoral scientist at WHO/IARC
- 2022: Ph.D in Computer Sciences at the Université de Lyon “Interactions in Information Spread” under the direction of J.Velcin and S.Loudcher.
- 2019: M.Sc in Digital Humanities at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon (15.16/20, rank 1/20)
- 2019: M.Sc in Complex Systems at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon (15.27/20, rank 4/12)
- 2017: B.Sc in physics at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (15.58/20, A rank)
- 2014: Literature baccalaureate at the Jean Mermoz high school, Saint-Louis
- 2019: Internship at La Sapienza – Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi (Roma) entitled “Study of the problem of optimal spreaders for the SIS model for epidemics”, supervised by C. CASTELLANO
- 2018: Internship at the university Rovira I Virgili – SEES:Lab (Spain) as part of the project entitled “Statistical mechanics for modeling and prediction of human behavior”, supervised by M. SALES-PARDO
- 2017: Internship at the Institut Lumière Matière (iLM) of Lyon entitled « Bubble nanofluidics », supervised by C. YBERT and O. BONHOMME
- 2011-2016: Volunteer on the archeological excavation site of Puy-de-Corent, Auvergne.
- French (mother tongue)
- English (C2 level)
- Italian (B2 level)